About David Leis
David Leis is an award winning consultant, author, speaker, trainer, executive coach and college instructor. For over 30 years he has spoken and trained thousands of people in a wide variety of settings from colleges, to the Fortune 500 to small companies and non-profits around the globe.
His passion is helping people and organizations grow beyond their wildest expectations! He has helped companies grow from $30 mil to the Fortune 100. As a full time and adjunct highly rated professor, he helped thousands of students achieve far more in college than they ever thought possible, and land jobs they never considered feasible. David has done executive coaching for college students, small business owners, middle market companies, and executive of Fortune and Global 500 including divisions of Corning, Japanese & US executives of Toshiba, GE, RCA and others. He has appeared on TV, in newspapers and trade journals.
David is a graduate of West Point and the University of Southern California and has done coursework on an MBA and PhD. He served in the Army as an Airborne, Ranger, and Company Commander. Later, he worked as a Top 100 executive of Harris, a Fortune 500, and held management roles at RCA and GE.
David lives near Princeton, New Jersey, with his two sons and close to his daughter’s family in Connecticut. He has donated his services to civic and religious organizations that serve the disabled and the poor.
In life as dads, we have many roles: income earner, dad, husband, community member, and so forth. The role of a dad of special needs child is not one we likely chose, or if we did, it was probably totally new as an orientation.
So here we are in a role that has no precedent and […]
Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams.
Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential.
Concern yourself not with what you have tried and failed in,
but with what it is still possible for you to do.
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
Last week I introduced the above quote by Roncalli. Where it took me was to my […]
Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams.
Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential.
Concern yourself not with what you have tried and failed in,
but with what it is still possible for you to do.
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
Every time I read that quote, it stops me in my tracks. Am I caught in […]
Hey, it is awesome that you are here! We are excited that you found us!
“So what’s in it for me?”, you ask. Well we are in the process of building a community of Special Dads of Special Needs Kids who want more for themselves, their special needs kids and their families. Dads who have all […]